Friday, September 11, 2009

Homework Assignment/ Blog Review

Howard freshmen in COAS are required to take a freshmen seminar class. In this class students are required to create a blog. My blog is called HUFreshmen. The first assignment involved visiting a site on the DMV area. In particular there was a section about Howard University. This is where I read information of the origins of Howard. There was some interesting facts about Howard on this site. Howard was originally a school of higher learning (in particular the Liberal arts) as its competetor, Hampton, which was established during the same time period was a vocational school. That is why COAS is the flagship of the university as it was the original school of the university. Early leaders and professors of Howard who influenced the school like Meriweather cook, Kelly Miller, and Dr. Hicks were mentioned (along with several others). I also learned that the original students of this university were white women and our first black president wasnt until 1926. Afterwards I posted a short blog that described the emotions of this assignment. i later followed that up with some notes i took during the freshmen lecture that dealt with the history of Howard.

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