The main topic of the 1st seminar lecture was that of our research topic and what we as freshmen can bring to Howard University. In the beggining our generations challenges such as access to healthcare, political equality, and environmental and natural resource issues were discussed. Then the basic rule of Intelectuality were discussed. These three rules were Be present, Read&Write, and Speak to mekhet. Be Present was further broken down into; know who you are and the African experience. The issue of "Why Don't you Remember?" was discussed and the answer given was You didn't forget you were dis-remembered, which speaks the the principle of Woodson's miseducation of the negro. The challenge for this rule was to convene Marron; to come ta an conclusion or make a difference in some research or field. Reading and Writing was also broken down further. Dr. Carr discussed knowing the origin of your major. He stated "that you must Master reading and repeating types of time". This lead us to "how to study". It was in this part of the lecture when the methodology of studying was discussed. It was even rlated to the way in which you do research.
Research Steps:
1. Narrow Topic
2. State your research methodology and method
3. Look for previous research
4. Evaluaute your sources, Think& Articulate your finding
5. Imagine what is left for others to do
Lastly the reference to "Speak to Mekhet" means to spread your knowledge or teach others of this knowledge. In seminar this shall be done thru our 10 minute presentations of our subject. In review the three ground rules which was the bases of the lecture was:
1. Be present
2. Read&Write
3. Speak to Mekhet
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