Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Third Monthly Community Learninig Colloquial

The third monthly community learning colloquial was the last one of the semester. Unlike the previous two Colloquials the third one was hosted by Dr. Fatimah Linda Collier Jackson. She is a professor of Anthropology and Director of the Institute of African American research at University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. She was imperative in the mapping of the human genome as well as a researcher in the origins of humanity. She coordinates the research for the African Burial ground located in New York. In 2002 she founded the first human DNA bank in Africa in an attempt to revolutionize DNA research on the continent of Africa. She believes "interdisciplinary research"is key component to the uplift of the African Diaspora.
One of the key components of freshmen seminar is interdisciplinary research. From High school students don't necessarily have the best researching habits. The purpose of Freshmen Seminar is to teach students how to do independent research and then apply this to a real life problem. This research should be done by interdisciplinary research as freshmen seminar brings freshmen of different academic disciplines together. Dr. Jackson spoke on the importance of this type of research. She accredited most of her success to the usage of interdisciplinary research.

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