Thursday, November 5, 2009

International Consciouness

This assignment is inspired by United Nations Day which was near the end of October. The assignment was to identify a country outside of the US and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. The country I choose was Ghana. Ghana is an African nation in West Africa. It gained its independence in 1957 from Britain which resulted to the independence of several other African nations on the 60s. The word Ghana means "Warrior King". Before it's colonization the area was inhabited by the people of the Akan kingdoms. Its name was chosen to represent the ancient empire of Ghana that existed c. 790-1076. The empire was the result of the Trans Saharan trade of salt and gold. Its most recent claim of fame is defeating the U.S. team in the world cup and earning a spot in the field of 16. It also was the most recent winner of the U-20 world cup.
Sadly, its recent athletic success doesn't cure the problems that face the nation (and most African nations). Some of these problems is poverty of citizens, debt of the nation, disease, and an overall lack of resources. The problems are not as exaggerated as news clippings of the practice of Juju and killing children and goats in backwoods traditions would suggest. Its capitol city of Accra is similar to any city that you would see in America. Economically, Ghana is twice as rich as the poorer African nations. However, 30% of its population live below the international poverty line. As a nation Ghana is rich in natural resources. Sadly, the nation is not in control of these resources and relies on economic assistance from other nations and independent investing from the Ghanaian diaspora.
Ghana is one of the most important nations in Africa. Its respected for its historical greatness and it being the first nation to gain independence. It is a member of the United Nations and the African Union. It's politics were imperative in the Pan African movement in the 60s. It is considered to be one of the top ten nations in Africa.

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